rosie bennet

24 november 2024 / 8pm / oslo hackney, london

100% funded (sold out)

Rosie Bennet presents an exploration of the storytelling power of Mediterranean guitar music, featuring pieces by Paco de Lucia, Albeniz, and Tedesco

7pm: doors open

7.30pm: last entry

8pm: rosie bennet set

what are noisenights?

noisenights are our vision for the future of classical music: crowdfunded gigs taking world-leading musicians to iconic independent venues.

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At the centre of every noisenight is a one-hour classical set. We platform international soloists and ensembles while also giving opportunities to outstanding new artists. All noisenights take place in gig venues where you get to experience classical music up close.

Live music needs your backing more than ever. Backing a noisenight means getting tickets to hear the world's best performers in grassroots venues and being part of a community working for a positive future for live music. Putting it simply, you giving your backing will make this gig happen and secure you a ticket.

After a noisenight reaches its funding target, we'll e-mail all backers to confirm it and a small amount of extra tickets will be made available. Tickets are released in four stages, which increase in price the closer to the event they're purchased. Book early to get the best price.

Please note that due to the venue's license, this noisenight is strictly 18+.

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the venue:

OSLO is one of London's iconic gig venues. The first of its type to open in the area, it's based in the redeveloped Victorian Hackney railway station.

They've hosted Mumford and Sons, Dua Lipa, and Alabama Shakes, but noisenights were the first classical shows to take over this unique space. We're returning again after three sold-out shows earlier this year.

the music:

Rosie Bennet presents an exploration of storytelling power of Mediterranean guitar music, ranging from music by the legendary Paco de Lucia to the intricate compositions of Albeniz and Tedesco.

rosie bennet:

Born in London in 1996, Rosie Bennet started playing guitar at age seven, receiving her early musical education at The Yehudi Menuhin School of Music on a scholarship funded by The Rolling Stones.

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Rosie has performed in festivals across Europe including Open Guitar Festival in Křivoklát, Czech Republic, Glasgow's Big Guitar Weekend, Scotland, Porziano Music Festival, Italy and the West Dean Guitar Festival, UK. Highlights of her concert career include performances of solo and chamber music at Wigmore Hall, London, The North Wall, Oxford, a series of 60 concerts given on El Camino De Santiago and solo performances in New England. Over the last four years Rosie has been part of the Labolobo integration campaign in the Brussels metropolitan area, bringing together French and Dutch speaking students of all ages, ethnicities and backgrounds in musical projects, including organising, writing for and conducting a mixed age choir of 80 primary school children and senior citizens, the creation of a beginner guitar ensemble with creative compositional workshops and language free music lessons in Jette.

Rosie is passionate about innovation and expanding accessibility in the classical music world and its educational system and as such she has been a writer and creator for Tonebase, an online classical music education platform, for the past five years. Her writings on discrimination and the psychological impact of specialist education have earned her publications in Acoustic Guitar Magazine, Soundboard Magazine and a count of 120,000 followers on Instagram.

Alongside this Rosie hosts the podcast Fret Not, for which she is also the writer and researcher and which has amassed 20,000 monthly listeners, in each episode Rosie interviews a musician about the lessons they have learned during their musical careers, notable guests have been Derek Gripper, Jason Vieaux, Irina Kulikova and Brian May of Queen.

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back noisenight181: rosie bennet (second release)

Rewards: standing tickets to noisenight181 at 8pm on Sunday 24 November 2024 at OSLO Hackney. First-come, first-served for the best views.

sold out
Please note that all tickets to this event are standing by default. If you have specific access requirements get in touch. This event is strictly 18+. A limited number of concession tickets are available below.

back noisenight181: rosie bennet (concession)

In order to qualify for a concession ticket, you must be in receipt of Universal or Pension Credit, in full-time education, a Blue Badge holder, or under the age of 25. There are a strictly limited number of concession tickets available for each event. These are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

sold out
Please note that all tickets to this event are standing by default. If you have specific access requirements get in touch. This event is strictly 18+.

back noisenight181 (first release)

This ticket band has sold out, but there are still tickets remaining above. Tickets are released in four stages, with the first release always being the cheapest. Book early for the best price. You can sign-up to our newsletter here to get priority access.
back noisenight181 (first release)

This ticket band has sold out, but there are still tickets remaining above. Tickets are released in four stages, with the first release always being the cheapest. Book early for the best price. You can sign-up to our newsletter here to get priority access.

support us

Can't attend any of our upcoming noisenights but still want to support live music and be part of our crowdfunding community?

Your donation means that we can continue to attract the UK's best musicians to our noisenights series and push the boundaries of live classical music. It also means that we can keep our events guide independently curated and expand our mindmusic programme which promotes mental health and wellbeing in our local communities.

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© through the noise. through the noise is a community interest company registered in England and Wales no. 13173621.
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